Legal Notice
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Quick Legal Notice and Agreement

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to read the following BEFORE you proceed in this Web site. If you use this Web site, you are bound by the following rules and agreement, whether you read them or not.

We appreciate your visit to our Web site. To be sure that you understand the purpose and intended use of the Web site, we have established certain rules for use of the site, including an agreement you automatically accept by opening and reviewing any page or materials within the Web site. If you do not wish to follow our Web site rules and enter into this Web site agreement with us, please exit the Web site now. By proceeding to access any page within this Web site, you agree to the following rules and terms of use:

Use of Web site materials

All data or information contained in this Web site is and shall remain the exclusive property of Quick (Q-Chart). By using this Web site, you agree to respect the ownership rights and rules of use of the Q-Chart Personal Health Record (PHR), including the right of Q-Chart to monitor this Web site at any time and the right of Q-Chart to process, retain, copy and, subject to our confidentiality policy and applicable laws or regulations, use and disclose any information you may provide to Q-Chart through this Web site. See our Security and Privacy Policy.

You agree not to copy, download, disclose, distribute, transfer, publish or email any Q-Chart PHR Data (PHR Data) without the prior consent of Q-Chart, or as further expressly authorized in this Legal Notice and Agreement, and as outlined in the Security and Privacy Policy.

You are authorized to view any PHR Data on this Web site for your own personal or professional use, provided you (a) do not use the PHR Data for any commercial purpose and (b) do not remove, mask or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark, patent or other intellectual property rights, notices or symbols set forth in the PHR Data.

Limitation and release of Q-Chart from liability

As a condition of your use of this Web site, and of your access to any PHR Data herein, you agree that neither Q-Chart nor any affiliated company nor any director, officer, employee or agent of Q-Chart or its affiliated companies shall be liable to you for any harm, injury or loss you may suffer which allegedly is caused by or related to your access to this Web site or the content, style, accuracy, inaccuracy, currency or staleness of any PHR Data or other information contained or reflected within this Web site.

By using this Web site, you agree to waive and release the affiliated companies from all liability whatsoever which may be caused by, arise from, or in any way relate to your use of this Web site, including but not limited to any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, physical or mental injury or loss, economic loss, loss of profits, injury to reputation or credit standing, emotional distress, psychological injury or loss or other damage or injury of any kind ("Losses"), regardless of whether such Losses allegedly arise from negligence, breach of contract, breach of warranty, breach of fiduciary duty, strict liability or tort.

You agree that if you are not satisfied with the content or operation of this Web site or with the content, use or effect of any PHR Data, or if you believe that your access to this Web site or any PHR Data has in any way caused injury to you, your sole and exclusive remedy shall be to exit the Web site and refrain from any further access or use.

Important disclaimers — What we are NOT responsible for

As a condition of your use of this Web site, and of your access to any PHR Data herein, you agree that Q-Chart and the affiliated companies are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR:

  1. Errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the Web site or in any PHR Data.

    We will try to avoid errors, but you should not expect information in this Web site to always be current, accurate or error-free because human or machine error may occur, and information may become outdated before we can update this Web site; in addition, there is always a possibility of "hackers" or other unauthorized postings to this Web site, which we may not be able to prevent, detect or deter. Q-Chart cannot and does not guarantee or represent the accuracy, timeliness, reliability or completeness of any PHR Data or other information contained in or accessed through this Web site.

  2. Warranties or representations of any kind.

    Q-Chart does not make any warranties or representations of any kind to you or to any other visitor to or user of this Web site. All PHR Data or other information you may access or receive through this Web site is provided "AS IS" without warranties of any kind, express or implied. This disclaimer of warranties and representations includes but is not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or of non-infringement of any ownership or intellectual property rights of any third party.

  3. Viruses, contamination or other technical or system problems, damages or errors.

    Q-Chart will not be responsible for any virus or contamination you or your computer programs or equipment may experience during or as a result of your access to this Web site or your access to, downloading or use of any PHR Data, nor will Q-Chart be responsible for any problems, damages or errors associated with your access to this Web site, or your access to, downloading or use of any PHR Data. In using or accessing this Web site, you assume 100 percent of all risks associated with such access or use, including but not limited to any risk of viruses or contamination, any software, hardware or other problems or losses, or any damages or errors related to such access or use.

  4. Providing links to other sites, the content of other sites, or the conduct of the owners of other sites.

    You may see opportunities within this Web site to link to other Web sites, an option we may provide from time to time purely as a convenience service to Web site visitors. If you choose to access other Web sites from this Web site, you agree, as a condition of choosing any such link or access, that Q-Chart is not and shall not be responsible or liable to you or to others in any way for your decision to link to such other Web sites. You further agree that Q-Chart and the affiliated companies are not responsible for the content of any other Web site to which you may link, nor are Q-Chart or the affiliated companies liable or responsible under any circumstances for the activities, omissions or conduct of any owner or operator of any other Web site. Once you choose to link to another Web site, you understand and agree that you have exited this Web site and are no longer accessing or using any PHR Data. You understand and agree that by making any third-party Web site link available as an option to you, Q-Chart does not in any way endorse any such Web site, nor state or imply that you should access such Web site or obtain or use any services, products or information which may be offered to you through such other Web sites or by the owner or operator of such other Web sites. The owners or operators of any other Web sites (not Q-Chart) are solely responsible for the content and operation of all such Web sites. Q-Chart makes neither warranties nor representations of any kind, express or implied, nor of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or of non-infringement, with regard to the content or operation of any other Web site to which you may link from this Web site.

  5. Acts or omissions of any other person, company or entity.

    You agree that Q-Chart is not and shall not be responsible or liable to you or to others for any conduct, misconduct, mistakes, errors or omissions of any other person or company which may in some way affect your access to or use of this Web site or of PHR Data, or the operation or content of this Web site, including but not limited to the acts or omissions of unknown third parties, unauthorized users or "hackers," Internet service providers, competitor companies, utility companies, governments, courts, law enforcement authorities, or local, state or federal regulatory agencies.

Improper use prohibited

By accessing or using this Web site, you agree to use it and the PHR Data made available herein solely for your own personal or professional use in the manner in which it is intended and for the legitimate business and informational purposes for which the Web site is operated by Q-Chart. You further agree that you shall not use or attempt to use this Web site or any PHR Data or other information obtained herein for any unlawful or harmful purpose, including but not limited to any sabotage, industrial or economic espionage, defamation of any person or company or the humiliation, harassment, intimidation or threatening of any other person or company. You agree that you will not employ at any time nor attempt to enter into the Web site any improper data, comments, statements or materials of any kind, including but not limited to any false, fraudulent, defamatory, or scandalous data, statements or accusations, any profanity, any pornographic or sexually explicit materials, images, depictions, diagrams, drawings, illustrations, video displays or references of any kind, nor any material containing or designed or intended to convey any insults to another person based on race, sex, national origin, ethnicity, age, color, disability, sexual orientation or religion. You understand and agree that this Web site is a private enterprise owned and operated exclusively for business purposes of Q-Chart and its affiliated companies, and as such that this Web site shall not be used by you to solicit any business apart from the products, goods or services offered by Q-Chart, nor shall this Web site be used by you to promote any personal, political or religious agenda or philosophy of you or any other person or organization.

You agree that Q-Chart shall be entitled, if it so chooses, to take steps to bar your continued use or access to this Web site in the event of any improper activity of any kind and further that Q-Chart may report any such improper activity to appropriate civil or criminal authorities or agencies, either local, state or federal, and may in certain instances pursue civil action or criminal charges and prosecution against violators.

Jurisdiction and remedies for violation of rules

If you violate any of these Web site rules, or if there is any dispute between you and Q-Chart relating to your access to or use of the Web site or to the PHR Data, you agree that you will be subject to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of Pulaski County, Arkansas, for all purposes relating to any civil or criminal action in connection with your violation or with regard to any dispute between you and Q-Chart related to this Web site. In the event of any violation of these rules, you agree that, in addition to other remedies that might be available, Q-Chart shall be entitled to an injunction against you to stop such violations.

Cooperation, release of data and privacy policy

By accessing or using this Web site, you agree to cooperate fully with Q-Chart to promote the proper use and working of the Web site, and to identify, report or investigate any improper use or conduct in connection with the Web site. You agree to promptly report to Q-Chart any improper use of the Web site or PHR Data, or any improper or unauthorized content or information displayed within the Web site.

If you enter any data on any Web page or location within this Web site, or otherwise provide data in response to the Web site or in connection therewith, you authorize the release of such data to Q-Chart and to all affiliated companies, employees or agents of Q-Chart whose access to such data is related to the business operations of Q-Chart or its affiliated companies. This authorization for release of data is subject to the confidentiality policies of Q-Chart, and requirements of applicable laws and regulations. While Q-Chart will treat personally-identifiable data you may enter or submit via this Web site as confidential to Q-Chart and its affiliated companies, Q-Chart cannot and does not guarantee that data you enter or submit on this Web site is secure or will not be accessible to unauthorized third parties or unintended recipients. See our Security and Privacy Policy.

No legal, medical or other advice offered or intended

You understand and agree that nothing contained in this Web site or the PHR Data is intended or shall be construed as any kind of advice or counseling to you. This Web site does not offer legal advice, medical advice, health advice, nor any other form of advice or counseling. In making any decisions regarding any matter addressed in this Web site you should not rely on Q-Chart or the PHR Data for advice as to laws or regulations, or your financial, physical or mental well-being or general health or nutrition. Regardless of any material contained in this Web site or the PHR Data, you should ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN ON ANY MEDICAL MATTERS, AND YOUR OWN ATTORNEY ON ANY LEGAL OR REGULATORY MATTERS.