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The Visits page shows information collected from inpatient and outpatient claims filed by health care providers. This page offers the option to view visits by type as well as by time period.

Visit type defaults to “All” to include both inpatient and outpatient visit information. It can also be changed to show “Inpatient Only” or “Outpatient Only.”

Time period defaults to the last 12 months. This can be changed to show “All” or limited to three (3), six (6) or twelve (12) months. A Date Range option is also available. When this option is selected, the Time Period section expands allowing a Start Date and End Date to be entered. During this search, only records found between the Start Date and End Date will be displayed. Select another time period to collapse the Date Range option.

The following displays for each visit:

  • Date of Service
  • Provider Name
  • Main Diagnosis
  • Facility Name

Diagnoses or procedures that display in red font are hidden by the system. For system hidden diagnoses, providers will see “Diagnosis Hidden by PHR System.” These diagnoses are considered highly sensitive and are protected by law. However, the ability to show this information is available, if desired. System hidden diagnoses relate to treatment of the following:

  • Substance Abuse
  • HIV
  • Mental Health Status
  • Abortion Services
  • Rape
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Sexually-Transmitted Disease
  • Pregnancy Testing

Visits or diagnoses that display in purple font are hidden by the patient. For patient hidden visits, physicians will see “Claim Hidden by Patient.”

Visit Details

To view detailed information, click a visit.

The visit details may display additional information such as:

  • Diagnoses
  • Procedures
  • Referring Provider

To collapse the visit details click close.

Additional capabilities are also available:

  • Notes (ability to add a comment relating to the visit)
  • Hide/Show (ability to hide or show the entire visit)
  • Dispute (ability to dispute the visit)